Hi I'm Ritik Piplani

I thrive on the art of coding and problem solving, finding joy in unraveling complexities. My passion lies in web development, where every line of code weaves the fabric of innovation. The fascination for development isn't just about writing code; it's about sculpting solutions that breathe life into businesses, turning ideas into interactive realities.

Some words about me

My name is Ritik Piplani. I am graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India.

I was fortunate enough to know from a young age that I wanted to be an engineer. The engineering way of thinking came naturally to me. What I didn't know was what type of engineer I wanted to be. When push came to shove, I chose Software Engineering. I am a web developer with a good familiarity with Competitive Programming. I like working in a team, you'll learn faster and much more. As the saying goes: 'two heads are better than one'.

I like watching movies, playing video games, solving competitive programming problems and loads of other stuff. I love music. I am an ardent listener of songs, ranging from Classical, Sufi to Hindi, English

Also I love to travel not only because it is the ultimate adventure but it also exposes you to new types of people, different ways of living, and open up your mind.

On my way, I have learnt a range of Programming Languages such as C, C++, JAVA, PYTHON. But the thing I like the most is competetive programming, though I am still a naive competetive programmer.



Intern: Software Development Engineer May 2022 – July 2022
• Worked on resolving issues with the implementation of the dashboard and performed sanity testing.
• Designed and implemented the webpage layout,features,added automation, assets and widgets.
• Developed Search Functionality to search books using REST API Calls.
• Exposure HTML,CSS,JS,ReactJs and BootStrap.

Cogoport Private Limited

Software Development Engineer- I July 2023 – Sep 2023
Automated Invoice Settlement
• Developed a robust feature to automate the settlement of purchase and sales side invoices against journal vouchers for a specified organization.
• Introduced a checkbox system for users to selectively choose payment transactions and invoices,enhancing flexibility in the settlement process.
• Integrated an intuitive drag-and-drop feature to facilitate the arrangement of settlements, providing users with a visual and interactive hierarchy.
• Utilized Next.js for efficient routing, React.js for building dynamic pages, and implemented REST API calls for data retrieval and updates. Employed media queries to ensure responsive design across various devices. Incorporated UI/UX principles based on Figma designs to enhance the user experience.
Audit Trail Functionality
• Implemented an audit trail feature, allowing stakeholders to review and audit quotations and modifications made at different stages of the shipment journey, ensuring transparency and accountability.
• Integrated functionality to display buy, sell, and profitability details for a specific shipment, providing stakeholders with real-time insights into expected and actual profitability statistics.
• Leveraged React.js for the dynamic construction of pages, incorporating robust API calls to gather and present shipment data. Employed state management techniques for efficient data handling. Implemented audit trail features using versioning or change tracking mechanisms. Applied UI/UX principles for an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Used responsive design techniques to ensure accessibility across various devices.

Contact me

D-85, Krishna Nagar, Mathura (UP), India
PinCode : 281004


+91 9368518892

Thank you for exploring my portfolio! Stay tuned for future updates and exciting projects. Feel free to visit again to discover more about my journey and the latest additions to my creative endeavors.